Chuen Kee Ferry

Chuen Kee Ferry, 22 mins, 2021


支持:康樂文化事務處; 藝術到家

The ferry is the only means of transportation for islanders to travel between LAMMA Island and the city. Its cabin is an important social space where

countless exchanges are made daily on the commute. Adopting an observational approach, documentary director Ma Chi-hang records the everyday interactions among local commuters inside the ferry, offering insights into the rich and diverse social landscape of LAMMA and the quintessential affability of its residents. During the half-hour commute, the

scenery keeps on changing: from a busy and densely populated harbour to a channel where cargo ships ply, and finally to the rural ambience of a small

island. The flowing scenes set both the content as well as the vista. The short interval of commuting is where the pace of life becomes more relaxed.

Supported by LCSE, Arts Together: